Prague Summer School on Immigration and Asylum Law (within the initiative EU4+)
Prague Summer School on Immigration and Asylum Law (within the initiative EU4+)
Organizers: Charles University Faculty of Law, in cooperation with the University of Warsaw, Heidelberg, Milan and Sorbonne
Prague Summer School - on the Common European Asylum System
September 13th – 16th, 2021, Prague
While the peak of the migration crisis in Europe might be over, many challenges lie ahead. What are the lessons learnt, and how has this shaped the future of the EU migration agenda? What measures should EU Member States consider to respond more effectively to future migration flows? The aim of this 4-day course on immigration and asylum law is to critically reflect upon legal aspects of so called “refugee crisis” in Europe and the measures adopted to respond at the EU, international and national levels in the last three years. The primary, but not exclusive, focus being the Common European Asylum System and its reform.
Who should attend?
The course is a key element of the 4EU+ project creating a regular summer school on migration and asylum law at Charles University in collaboration with Warsaw, Heidelberg, Milan and Sorbonne Universities Participants are drawn from students in law and social science interested in legal aspects of EU immigration or asylum policies from any of the collaborating universities. Sessions will be held in English.
A limited number of funded places are available for participants travelling from Heidelberg, Warsaw, Milano and Sorbonne. Funded participants will be reimbursed up to €180 in travel costs and provided with dormitory style accommodation free of charge. Participants should indicate whether they wish to be considered for a funded place when they submit their application.
Terms & Conditions of participation
Participants will be selected by their home university based on qualifications and merit as assessed by their CV and letter of motivation.
No course fee is charged for students of any of the three participating universities and a limited number of funded places is available (see above).
Please, follow epidemic conditions – covid-passes are preferred
Deadline for Application: August 30th, 2021
How to apply
Applicants must complete the following steps:
- Contact your faculty coordinator
Charles University, Prague: Michal Říha:
University of Warsaw, Jana Plaňavová-Latanowicz:
University of Heidelberg, prof. Dr. Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, MAE:
University of Milan, Assoc. Prof. Chiara Ragni:, Assoc. Prof. Cesare Pitea, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law:
- Send (via e-mail) following documents to the chief coordinator:
- Application with your personal data: name, date of birth, address, email, faculty
- Short CV with details of the applicant’s studies
- Short motivation letter
- Short recommendation from your faculty coordinator for funded places (see above)
DRAFT Program
Monday, September 13nd
Welcome and Registration
Presentation of 4EU+ Program and Project and Introduction
Immigration and Asylum Law in International Context: Contemporary Challenges
International Governance of Migration: Contemporary Challenges (MC)
- Brief history of international migration governance
- Human rights dimension
- New institutional arrangements: the IOM and the UN
- The Global Compact on Migration
Lunch break
14.00 – 16.00
EU Asylum and Migration Law in the Broader Context of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Tuesday, September 14rd:
10.00 -13.00
Common European Asylum System (CEAS)
Role of the Member States in Implementation of CEAS
Workshop: International protection application and interview in practice
Lunch break
Visit to the Parliament
Wednesday – September 15th
10.00 – 13.00
EU Immigration and Asylum Policy - Primary law and Secondary legislation
Law in practice (Case law)
Lunch break
14.00 – 16.00
Reform of the CEAS in the context of EU - Pact on Migration
Question of relocations, return sponsorship and secondary movement?
Integration – an important phase of migration policy
Thursday - 16th September
10.00 – 13.00
How difficult it is to reach consensus among 28 Member States?
New CEAS Legislative Package, Legislative Train, Role of European Institutions
Preparation for simulation of Negotiations in the Council by participants – AMR (selected provisions)
Lunch break
Workshop - Simulation of Negotiations in the Council – preparation of national positions of the Member States and their presentation by participants
Work in groups and presentation of thesis (max 1000 words) by participants
Discussion, evaluation and conclusion
Lectures and other speakers
Opening speech: prof. JUDr. Jan Kuklík, DrSc., Dean, Charles University, Faculty of Law, Prague
prof. JUDr. PhDr. Michal Tomášek, DrSc., Vice-Dean for Research and Publication Activities, Head of Department of European Law, Charles University, Faculty of Law
prof. Dr. Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, MAE, University of Heidelberg (tbc)
prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc., Public International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague (tbc)
Assoc. Prof. JUDr. Lenka Pítrová, CSc., Department of European Law and Department of Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jana Plaňavová-Latanowicz, Center for Europe, University of Warsaw
Assoc. Prof. Dr. iur. Harald Christian Scheu, Ph.D, Department of European Law, Charles University, Faculty of Law
JUDr. Magdaléna Svobodová, Ph.D., Department of European Law, Charles University, Faculty of Law
JUDr. Nataša Chmelíčková, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic, Department of European Law, Charles University, Faculty of Law
Venue: Faculty of Law, Charles University, nám. Curieových7, Prague 1, room 38