For authors
Information for Authors
Manuscripts should be sent to the editors in electronic form to the e-mail address
Manuscripts can also be sent by regular mail, but the electronic version of the text must be delivered by e-mail at the same time. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned to the authors. All correspondence should be addressed to the e-mail address of the editorial office. Always include your contact details in your correspondence.
Authors are fully responsible for the linguistic and formal level of the manuscript, which is one of the sub-criteria of the overall evaluation. The editors make only the necessary basic linguistic changes to the accepted texts. If the manuscript does not meet the requirements of the guidelines (see Guidelines for Authors), the editors may reject it without a peer review process.
The journal does not pay an honorarium for published papers.
1. Peer Review
Submissions sent to the editors are first assessed by the Editorial Board (Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, Secretary) for compliance with the basic requirements for the manuscript in question (see Guidelines for Authors). It may recommend that the author make changes in language, form and content before the peer review begins.
Before submission for publication, papers are reviewed by two independent peer reviewers, and manuscripts are not submitted for review to anyone institutionally or otherwise affiliated with the author. Reviewers can only be experts in the field of the manuscript, in particular academics or researchers, but also persons outside of academic circles who are experts in the field.
The peer review is mutually anonymous, i.e. the reviewers do not know the identity of the author and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers. The anonymity of the manuscript will be ensured by the editors by removing all information from the text that would suggest the identity of the author.
The reviewer assesses the manuscript in terms of content and formal requirements. In his review, the reviewer indicates whether he recommends the manuscript for publication or whether the manuscript should be returned to the author for revision or rejected, always with proper justification. In cases of dispute, the Editor-in-Chief shall consult with the Editorial Board, to whom the reviews obtained shall be submitted.
If a manuscript is recommended for revision in the peer review, the Editorial Board will communicate the reviewers’ suggestions and recommendations to the author. After reworking, the manuscript is forwarded to the second round of peer review, where the reviewers can only suggest acceptance or non-acceptance of the manuscript. A third round of review is not initiated.
The editors will notify the author of the outcome of the peer review (after the 1st and possible 2nd round) without any delay.
2. Method of Writing Text
In the journal will be published only manuscripts with a maximum length of 30 standard pages, including footnotes (1 standard page = 1800 characters, including spaces). Accepted text formats: *.doc, *.docx. All articles have to be submitted with the following attachments: key words (max. 6) and abstract in English (max. 15 lines or 200 words). In case of an article in other than Czech (or Slovak) language, an abstract in Czech has to be submitted. The abstract should include the title of the article, name(s) of the author and his/her institutional affiliation, e-mail and a short characterization of the article.
For each article, always send in a separate file the list of literature used to find the so-called DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which is a commercial system of identifiers of works available in digital form.
Any manuscript is to be numbered and structured into chapters and paragraphs, possibly with subheadings. It has to be written using any of the commonly used versions of MS Word.
In order to accelerate the ensuing typesetting work, please adhere to the following. Do not use indentation, use left align only. To indicate the end of a paragraph, use the enter key, do not use the tabulator or several spaces. Do not use the word break option. Use the following type faces: Times New Roman or Arial (or Cambria/Calibri in Word 2007 and more recent versions of Word), font size 12, line spacing 1.5. For in-text annotations, use MS Word automated footnotes, font Times New Roman, size 10.
When structuring the text, use a consistent hierarchy for chapter titles, distinguishing individual levels using MS Word styles (bold type or italics, or by size) or numbers (with decimal points). Unless absolutely necessary, please do not use more then three levels of chapter titles.
Use pagination throughout the text, marking where illustrations and tables should be inserted into the text.
To make marks in the text, you may use italics, and in justified cases also bold type. However, refrain from using double-spaced type (both manually double spaced and using the MS Word formatting for this). If possible, do not use underlined or bold italics formatting. When making marks in the text using capital and small capital letters, use the corresponding MS Word styles.
When making tables, please use the MS Word table editor. Use simple formatting (black lines, a single type of lines, text formatting). Do not use shadow or several types of lines. If you have special requirements for the table format, specify it next to the table in the printed version of the manuscript.
In the manuscript, place the table in the same place where it is supposed to be in the book, or submit it in a separate file (e.g., Tab1.doc), indicating its place in the text, for example, <<Tab1.doc>>. Submit any tables made in MS Excel as individual files.
Image documentation shall be submitted in electronic form in a separate file. Required formats and definition for image materials in electronic form (submit image materials without compression):
– line-drawings (line-drawing pictures, e.g. graphs, diagrams, schemes, et al..): format *.pdf, *.eps;
definition 1200 dpi (when sized 1 : 1);
– autotype (halftone pictures, e.g. photographs, et al.): format *.jpg, *.tiff, *.pdf, *.eps; definition 300 dpi (when sized 1 : 1).
Never insert pictures into the text (by doing so MS Word will irreversibly qualitatively degrade); name electronic files uniformly (Pic1.tif, Pic2.tif, etc.) and just mark the spots where pictures should be placed in the printed version of the text.
Graphs shall be created either in MS Word/Excel editors (in black and white) or in vector format (*.pdf, *.eps). When submitting graphs in Excel full data is needed, e.g. graphs downloaded from the Internet are not sufficient for publication. Submit graphs in separate files (e.g. Graf1.doc, Graf1.xls) and refer to the spot in the text where it should be inserted, e.g. in a way <>. After agreement it is possible to submit a graph in the format of a picture in sufficient definition.
Tables, pictures and graphs will be printed in black and white.
Citations should be done according to the usual citation style of the journal.
3. Proofreading and Editing
The editors prefer to proofread electronically into a .pdf document, following the guidelines given here. If proofreading can only be done on paper using proofreading marks, then the author should follow the instructions given here, and proofreading must be legible and done in a colour different from the text (e.g. red, green).
The purpose of proofreading is to check the typesetting, or the correctness and completeness of the manuscript’s conversion into journal form. In the course of proofreading, substantial changes in content should not be made without prior agreement and consent of the editors.
4. Open Access Statement
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access, available at
5. Content License
The journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License to articles and other works we publish. If you submit your paper for publication by AUC Iuridica, you agree to have the CC BY license applied to your work. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
6. Publication Fees
Here are no author fees or charges required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal.