Rector's Sports Day

Rector's Sports Day

Dear sports friends,


again after a year, the opportunity to actively participate in the next year of the rector's sports day, which is set for 10th May 2023, is open to all interested students, faculty employees and staff of the rector's office of the CU. We cordially invite everyone to actively participate in this sports day Charles University holiday. Come and play sports, meet friends and experience real sports competition.


This year, the Institute of Physical Education of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the CU was entrusted with the organization, which prepared more than 25 sports activities for the participants. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this offer, reach out to your classmates, form teams in team sports tournaments, sign up for individual races and come and experience the joyful feeling of active movement. Among the traditional tournaments in football, volleyball, basketball and floorball, there are also several interesting non-traditional events such as sea kayaking, a kanjam competition, fitness activities, aqua aerobics or a chess tournament.


This year, the program also includes for the first time a competition of representative teams of individual faculties, which have P.E and sports learning included in their study programs. As spectators and fans, you will therefore be able to see your favorite teachers in action, including top representatives of your faculties.


In addition, refreshments will be prepared for you on the upper terrace of the central hall.


We look forward to seeing you!

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